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Go Wild Tetbury with World Jungle
“If you have any queries regarding the location, age range, activity or food please do not hesitate to contact us at:”
Phone Number Ben 07889512644
Website/social media /@worldjungle (facebook & Instagram)
Activity Description – “Go Wild” with World Jungle this Summer Come and create a mini festival in your local park. Our wild play sessions around the Cotswolds & Stroud district includes, giant bubbles, amazing arts & crafts including spray paint & stencils , sports and games , African drumming, Circus skills with the Magnificent Mr Kai and more. We will also have music and bunting as well as healthy snacks! A family friendly event perfect for all ages from tot to teen.
What the provision specifically entails
Giant Slingshot
Giant bubbles
Sports & Arts
African drumming
What the child could achieve/receive from the provision
A chance to enjoy the outdoors, spend time on the park and have a fun filled afternoon hours with the World Jungle team. You will get a chance to learn some African drum rhythms or come up with some of your own, create some amazing art. You’ll also get a chance to take part in sports and games and learn some new skills that you can show off to your friends as well as work as team to fire the giant slingshot.
Why should they not miss this opportunity?
World Jungle are an award winning youth & community group who have run activities around the Cotswolds for over 15 years. They established the Summer off the Streets programme in 2006 and are still going strong. The team are experienced youth and community workers and artists and will make sure that everyone who attends has a great time. You will come away with new skills, new experiences and also maybe some new friends. Join us just for the local event or follow us around the Cotswolds & Stroud each day.
Can parents/carer/siblings attend? Parents are encouraged to attend and stay , the sessions are open access and you can come for the whole session or stay just for a bit . All are welcome. If your child normally attends the park on their own they are also welcome to come along on their own too.
Food Provision – healthy snacks including fruit and flapjacks will be available at all our events for young people and will confirm shortly
Contact details/information on providing dietary needs
Extra dietary requirements link (text included in guide)
Information about Accessibility for SEND – we try to make our activities and events as inclusive as possible, most of our staff have received additional training to support inclusion. There is arrange of activities so there should be something for everyone regardless of ability. We welcome parents getting in contact before hand to discuss how their child’s needs can be met. We will also have an additional team member to support the inclusion of any child with additional needs
Most of our events take place in local parks and we try to keep our activities near to parking